Bile ‘s Comeback Balance Beam Wins a bronze medal at the end of the Olympics
Simone Bile, a four-gold US gymnast at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil five years ago. She has return to compete in the individual equipment category. The final device, the balance beam at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Japan on August 3 and won the bronze medal.
Previously, Biles, which was expected and watched by the media and sports fans around the world. whether to sweep the gold medal from the Tokyo Games An error occurred playing the jumping table equipment in the women’s team. When landing on the ground in a rhythm Then withdrew from the competition as a team. Individual equipment and a person separates 3 devices: a jumping table, a floxer size and bar by reasoning that there was a problem with the heart Especially playing in the air, in which the head is completely empty, making him not confident in the competition. because there is a risk of injury.
However, Biles returned to play in the balance beam. And won the bronze medal with 14.000 points, while the gold and silver medals went to Chinese gymnasts Guan Chenchen and Tang Zijing, who made 14.633 and 14.233 respectively.